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It’s Oscar Night all over the country

February 24th is quickly approaching.

Many, though not all film/television professionals  and those who wish to be, will be tuning in to see what and who takes the honors and what the filmmakers have to say about the work.

As much as anything else there is a particular value for the non-professional to know what the big boys/girls at the top their game look like.

You may be a fan of  their or someone else’s work.

If you are a fan of a film or a film maker, know why!

Now, take your knowledge of who you like and why, add to that the knowledge of what they look like and you are set for success.

Think about it,  you can recognize them when they enter the elevator or pass you at the market.

They don’t know you, but that’s okay.

Just ask them if they are who you think they are.

If they say no, no harem no foul.

If they say yes, introduce yourself, and tell them you are a fan .

Thank them for their contribution to  your life.

Let them know what their work meant to you.

Then leave.  Odds are good, if you’ve been honest, they will want to talk with you at least a moment more.

They also like that film, that’s why they made it.

And who doesn’t like to be thanked?

I can’t think of anyone.

But thanks must be genuine.

BS is very recognizable.   If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything. Let them enjoy their privacy.

But if you really do like their work and you know why, and you bump into them in a public place, thank them and Tell Them Why.

We all wish to know if we’ve impacted someone’s life positively.  And it’s great when we find out we have.

So do your homework.  Find out who makes the films you love.  Identify your passion for it/them.   Thank  the film maker  for their contribution.toni_huges_deaver_23dd

Don’t think of this as manipulating someone.

You can’t control outcomes of a conversation.

But you can take positive non threatening action to get in front of the filmmakers who’s work you admire.


Starting Over in Show Business

The one kid is happily married with child.

The other kid is a college freshman on the east coast.

I’m back in the industry now for 12 months- what do I have to show for it?

Well, I’m glad to say, I finally have a website up and running,

And yes, I’ve done a film, 3 web series, a play, performed as Carol Burnett and I’ve been in development on a feature for a long time.

I got great encouragement from a one minute monologue competition I took part in and I’ve taken class.

How long do you keep believing when every teacher and coach you work with tells you that you are so talented you should be working all the time, but you aren’t yet.

How long do you keep trying? How do you change up the strategy to win the game?

I don’t know what everyone might do, but I’m in the throes of learning patience.

A few people have tried to discourage me from television, but soaps, sitcoms and series work offer the only steady pay check for actors in L..A.

Do I have to stop searching for stories that should be told to settle for the stuff so readily available.  I  hope not

I simply love the art and craft of acting.  I  love directing–both of these allow you very direct access to the quality of the story telling,

and I find producing satisfactory when it’s finally over.

No one in production owes any other artist anything, much less a job. You have to earn it.

Yes, it’s harder to do now that I’m doing it not only with my  permanent partner of 28 years but we’ve got kids.

But really, my day to day life  would be very much harder without them!